waving wipers

There was snow in the forecast for today.  True to form, all school districts were closed before the first flake formed.  We got an inch or two during the day, so clearly the closures were justified. While I enjoy giving the VA natives a hard time about the snow paranoia, there is one custom I […]

Inauguration Day

I’d like to attend an Inauguration someday.  From a practical standpoint, however, I never seriously considered this year’s ceremony.  For months the local authorities have been giving dire warnings about traffic, large masses of humanity, and far too few port-a-potties for our young family to be able to go. Not only were they closing two […]

government solutions

I’ve always enjoyed despair.com’s demotivators.  They’ve outdone themselves with their latest addition:  “Government.  If you think the problems we create are bad, just wait until you see our solutions.” –www.despair.com I need one of these.