from F-Spot to iPhoto in 8 painful months

Earlier this year we opened our home to a new Mac, and have been very happy with the new addition.  We were able to transition over immediately from our Linux computer with no issues for most functionality (e.g., email, web browsing, word processing).  I assumed the same would be true with our digital pictures.  Not […]

about Face(book)

I tried to avoid it. I held off for quite some time, but finally caved and created a Facebook account. My life went along swimmingly without ever needing a MySpace account, and I was hoping the same would hold true with Facebook. Unfortunately, my annoyance at not being able to see information that people wanted […]

you know traffic is bad when …

You know traffic around here is bad when … (1) … the local news radio station has a tag line that ends, “where the traffic only gets worse.” (2) … your toddler recognizes anytime the car is approaching the highway and instinctively yells, “Other way! I want other way!” while pointing in every direction but […]