“I’m good.”

A couple months ago I started listening to the Grammar Girl podcast. Each week she “provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing.” I’ve found the topics enjoyable and extremely practical.

Today I listened to one of her recent podcasts, and it brightened my day. Here’s the intro: “It’s such a simple little question: How are you? But I’ve heard from people who feel a twinge of trepidation or even full-blown frustration every time they have to decide whether to say they’re good or they’re well.” I’ve certainly been there. But grammar nitpickers, beware …

You’ve got to love those predicate adjectives.

Osprey sighting

Living in relative proximity to Quantico, we frequently see various aircraft flying over, or hear feel bombs going off on the days they’re doing their bombing (i.e., the “NoiseV-22 Osprey Advisory” days). After work a few days ago a couple planes flew over the house twice, and I didn’t recognize them. That is, until I read the paper the next day. The V-22 Osprey have been in the news this week due to their upcoming deployment to Iraq, and a couple were at Quantico for the announcement. They were pretty awesome flying over, but it would have been more impressive to see them carrying a Hummer.

that’s my DMV

Shortly before Christmas (sorry for the tardy post), a couple blogs I frequent highlighted an interesting story from the Washington Times. The story details how a couple guys dressed up in crazy disguises (complete with spray paint and buckteeth) obtained driver’s licenses from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

I hadn’t realized before this incident that the Virginia DMV also issued ids to several of the 9/11 hijackers.

Our DMV’s compiling quite the track record …