our cars have moved

I knew it wasn’t going to be easy when I got email from Rachel with a subject of, “I miss paying city income tax.” What would cause her to write such a thing? She was discovering everything that needed to be done to transfer and register our cars here in VA, and while they don’t have city income tax here, what they have instead is a much bigger pain.

Our goals seemed relatively simple:

1. get VA driver’s licenses for each of us

2. transfer the title on each car to VA

3. register each car

4. get license plates for each car

In order to do that, we had to do several other things first: get new insurance policies in VA, get an emissions inspection on each car, and get a safety inspection on each car. (And why does the county government have the right to force an inspection on my personal property?) All that having been done, we were done with all the prep work … sort-of.

In order to accomplish all the goals above, we had to compile a multitude of documents, including but not limited to: proof of insurance on each car, existing titles for each car, marriage license, birth certificates for both of us, proof of passed emissions inspection for each car, proof of passed safety inspection for each car, proof of purchase price for each car (no, they were not purchased in VA), proof of paid sales tax on each car (again: no, they were not purchased in VA), proof of residence in VA, our MI drivers licenses, and our social security cards.

Fortunately, my wife is the queen of preparations. Thanks to her diligent research (including online, multiple phone calls to VA DMVs and the MI Secretary of State, and snail mail correspondance with the MI Sect. of State), she compiled all our documents and had all our forms ready to go. To our amazement, the DMV didn’t require anything that we didn’t have in hand and we were able to accomplish all 4 goals in one trip.

On the plus side, the VA DMV offices accept credit/debit cards (a novel idea yet to be adopted by the MI Sect. of State branches), and we got our new drivers licenses on site rather than having to wait for them to come in the mail.

Having accomplished all that, we still needed to get county registration stickers, because that can’t be done at the DMV. Those arrived in the mail last week.

One remaining hurdle is getting license plates put on the front of our vehicles, since there is no spot to attach them in front. (Must be cars made in MI where that isn’t a requirement, or something.)

Lastly, we need to pay to our county what they call a “personal property tax.” It’s a tax you pay twice per year on each car you own, and it’s based on the value of your vehicle.

Once that’s done, I think we can officially declare that our cars have successfully made the move to VA. If anything can make you miss filling out a city income tax form once each year, this process might be it. Phew.

National Museum of the Marine Corps

A new museum has been built just off of I-95, the highway I take to and from work each day. It looks pretty impressive from a distance. On Friday I was outside enjoying the sunny 70 degree weather, as anyone should do when theyNational Museum of the Marine Corps have the day off for Veteran’s Day, and I saw a formation of 4 planes flying way overhead. A few minutes later, they flew by again, this time a bit lower. It wasn’t long after, and they flew overhead extremely low, and were just rolling into a turn as they went by. It was a very impressive sight, and the noise was quite awesome. Being the astute person I am, I realized these planes were not your typical United Airlines planes going to and from Dulles. Then I remembered the museum was being dedicated that day. Sure enough, the planes were F-18s that were part of the ceremonies.

As an interesting aside, they bused in a ton of people from the Pentagon for the dedication ceremony. Not knowing what to do with all the buses, they decided to close the HOV lanes for the day and park the buses there, figuring since it was a federal holiday the traffic wouldn’t be that bad. It took my brother almost 3 hours to get home from work that day. He had a few things to say about their parking plan. 😛 I’m glad this was one commute I was able to miss.